Thursday, November 25, 2021

We Bribed A Mexican Police Officer

 We finally got to take Stephen's family to Rocky Point with us! The Nelsons joined us as well. 

Elliot informed me that the decorations were the best he's ever seen in a rental house. They certainly had a lot going on with lots of bright colors

A couple of beauties posing on one of our three balconies

Isaac spent the trip trying to eat as much sand as possible. Changing his diapers was... interesting that weekend. 

I have photogenic children.

Really photogenic. 

I love digging around during low tide. We found lots of sand dollars and a huge blue crab that Stephen stepped on! It did this big claw dance while running away that was hilarious. 

I got to spend some early mornings with this guy. Little Brady Nelson was on a similar sleep (or lack thereof) schedule, so at least we had good company on our early morning beach walks. 

Rain rolling in during sunrise

Watching the waves roll in

This gal loves holding my hand

Elliot and Bree both learned how to snorkel! The problem was that we only had one snorkel set, so it was hard taking them out to the point where there were cool things to see. I tried wearing just goggles, but it was hard to keep up with them. Bree and I did see a baby shark, which I thought was awesome but Bree thought was terrifying. She stayed away from the rocky part where the interesting critters are after that, which was a shame. There were plenty of yellow and silver fish to see. The snorkeling was such a hit that we continued at home in the pool. 

We had the interesting experience of a windstorm knocking our power and water out while we were there. We called our Airbnb host, and luckily it came back on fairly quickly. 

One of the most dissapointing things about Mexico is the ice cream selections at their grocery stores. I was trying hard to load the fridge with frozen treats, but there were shockingly few options. We had to buy individually wrapped ice cream bars and these pencil popsicles. They make up for this by selling mangoes cut into flowers out of coolers on the beach. 

It was Stephen and Claudia's anniversary while we were there! They picked this BBQ place to go to for dinner. I was hoping for some mexican fusion BBQ, but it was pretty standard- but yummy- American BBQ. We were the only customers there that night, and the owner brought us out a big thing of honey sopaipilla for a free desert which was super nice of him. We also ate at Pollo Lucas and Barrelito, my old favorites. 

A boy with his seaweed

We were super careful about following the speed limit while we were in Mexico because we have heard stories of other people getting speeding tickets. People were passing us the whole way from rocky point to the border town of Sonoyta. There was a total speed trap when we  got to Sonoyta, and a cop pulled us over. He told us that we were going to have to pay $150 for a speeding ticket, and that we would have to pay in cash either on the spot or at the police station. We told him we didn't have that much cash so we would go sort it out at the police station. He had us follow him for a block, then pulled over again and was like "ok, how much cash do you have, you can just pay here and not have to go to the station." We didn't want to spend hours at the police station, so we just gave him some cash, he took the ticket back, and we went on our way. Totally ridiculous. I walked away with a greater appreciation for American institutions. 

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