Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Elliot at 11 Months

Elliot is really developing his own personality lately. He is in non-stop exploring mode, making sure to thoroughly test all of our baby-proofing measures. He makes a bee-line for power cords whenever he sees them. He has gotten really good at sleeping and will go down without fussing at all. Church is often challenging now- having to skip his second nap is hard on the little fella.

Trying to feed Cheerios to the monster on his shirt
Playing with his current favorite toy- the baby monitor
"sup, lady"
Elliot had a field day with this pile of newspapers. He gets into this super busy mode where he sprint crawls around, completely focused on whatever he's doing- usually throwing something around or emptying out drawers.

The sniffy face. He breathes quickly in and out of his nose with is face screwed up like that. It's adorable.
Practicing not eating rocks in the backyard (he almost has it down)
Aaron is teaching him how to climb stairs. He'll only do it if there is something alluring to climb for- like the headphone cable. 
He can climb into cabinets now. I closed the door on him once to see how he would react. He didn't fuss at all, just patted lightly on the inside of the door, perfectly content in the complete darkness.
Just hanging out on the car
Every night before we go to sleep, Aaron and I remember all the cute things Elliot did that day. It seems like the list is always long. We sure love our little buddy!