Sunday, April 19, 2015

Toes & Other Amusements

Elliot is SUPER in to toes these days. He can get them into his mouth and suck on them.

It was Timmy's birthday, so I attempted to make a birthday hat for Elliot. 
I worried that it turned out looking slightly like a KKK hood, so I drew some
polka dots and zig zags on it... I never claimed to be artsy. Points for trying?

Who wouldn't love a snuggly elephant?

This picture is deceptive. I happened to snap this picture at the perfect point in the transition from staring at the ceiling to staring at his hands. I wish I could get him to intentionally stare into the camera like this...

Elliot is still a happy boy! He drools a ton more now, probably because he's always sucking on his fingers, toes, or elephant so he doesn't really shut his mouth. He sleeps from around 7 PM to 5 or 6 AM, and then I bring him into bed to nurse him and we fall back asleep until 7:30ish. I love our morning cuddles. He's still a highly irregular napper. It is much harder to put him down for a nap than it is to put him down at night, but he usually gets in a couple hours of nap time. I won't complain about the naps as long as he keeps sleeping so well at night!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Mimi Time

My mom came to visit! It was great having someone around who is as obsessed with Elliot as we are. It was fun having her around now that Elliot can do more than sleep and poop. I'm glad that was able to fly out and make some memories with us and our little guy.

Exhibit A: We took him to the pool!

His belly is coming along nicely

This was about as excited as he got. He tolerated being in the water. We're hoping to work him up to a "love it" level by the time we go to the beach this summer.

Some nice drool action going on

That hat was too big and kept falling in his face

My two favorite guys

I love this one

What a great Aaron

Elliot has started sticking his tongue out all the time. We call it his lizard face. 

Exhibit B: Reading books
I tried reading him a book a while ago, but he wasn't really into it. I don't think he really realized that I wanted him to look at the thing I was shoving in his face. But now, just a few weeks later, he was TOTALLY into it. Maybe it was Mimi's magic touch. 

So focused on that book!

Tongue out per usual


Mom and I went to see the San Xavier Mission while Aaron was at work on Monday. Part of the museum was closed for renovations which was a bummer, but it was still cool to see. We took one of the short tours. It is such a beautiful building. I had to fend off a few overly friendly dogs who wanted to share our fry bread burritos (which were surprisingly difficult to eat), but other than that it was a lovely time.

Mom also came to Zumba with me on Tuesday morning before catching her flight home. It was so fun having her around! I love my mom!

Friday, April 3, 2015

Sleeping Through the Night!

Elliot started sleeping through the night last week! Sometimes he will cry or babble a bit in the night, but he puts himself back to sleep pretty quickly. Although one morning we found that he had rotated 180 degrees during the night, so I guess he might be up partying all night in his crib. Fine by me if I get to sleep through it! 

A few nights ago, Aaron and I snuck into his room to check on him before we went to bed. Elliot tooted quite loudly then got this big grin on his face, all without opening his eyes. It was hilarious.

He still isn't a reliable napper. He's a bit better than he used to be, but he will still sometimes have days where he refuses to take a nap. Even without a nap, he is (usually) a happy, mellow baby! I love hanging out with my little guy!