Sunday, June 13, 2021

The Great Popcorn Protest

 Popcorn. Some people love it. Most people are pretty neutral about it. Elliot hates it with a burning passion. I think that this is probably because I burned a couple bags in a row, and now he absolutely refuses to try any more. 

A while back we had some kids over to play. I asked them if they wanted popcorn. Everyone cheered "yes" except for Elliot, who made a weird face and then ran over to his craft cabinet. And thus was born the popcorn protest box. 

He punched armholes in a box and covered every side with anti-popcorn propaganda. My favorite is the hand with a sign under that said "raise your hand if you hate popcorn" and the picture of popcorn crying while a stick figure says "I hate you popcorn."

The popcorn boxes in our pantry were relabeled 

I found this in the pantry as well- several paper cutouts of "gross popcorn seeds" in a box.

The force of his hatred was much greater than I had anticipated. But it is nice that he vents it through crafting. 

1000 Hours Outside

 A couple friends told me about this neat program called 1000 hours outside. The idea is simple: to spend 1000 hours outside over the course of a year. That comes out to about 3 hours a day. That was much more than what we were doing. I'm a real believer in the idea that time outside is extremely beneficial to both kids and adults, but we needed some prompting to help us get out more on our normal days. The 1000 Hours website had a ton of printable tracker sheets, including a color by number one. Elliot is for sure a "tracker sheet" kind of kid, so we now have this beauty taped to our wall. 

Also taped to our wall: a prayer rotation slider chart, and a piece of paper with arbitrary points that Elliot assigns to himself and Annie. No one is clear about what these points are for or how they are earned, but it pleases Elliot to be beating Annie and Annie has no clue what's going on so it all works out. 

Racking up some hours in Madera Canyon

Don't let his face fool you- Isaac loves being outside too

A bunch of cousins making Isaac a leaf headdress 

This is our shortcut through the wilderness that we take to walk Elliot to school every morning

We convinced Claudia to go camping with us! Elliot was very pleased that we decided that hours spent sleeping in a tent count as outdoor hours for the tracker. 

You can't not run into the sprinklers when they happen to be on during a morning walk

Making leaf boats by canoa ranch

Outside hours are harder to come by now that it is full on summer. I'm making a goal to get up before the kids and go running twice a week, and I'm hoping to convince Elliot to start waking up earlier for park trips before it gets too hot. And there is always the pool. Here's to more time outside!

1 Year Old Isaac

We have ourselves a 1 year old! Isaac is such an awesome little guy. He is so chill whenever he is restrained in a car seat or high chair, but the minute you put him on the ground, he starts scooting around at 100 miles a minute. He does this sweet move like he is miming riding a unicycle whenever he gets excited, and never fails to grin at me when I make eye contact with him. His older siblings have never said a single bad thing about him. We sure love our Isaac!


1 Year Stats:
20 lb 6 oz (35th percentile)
30 inches (65th percentile)

He made the switch from army crawling to normal crawling about a week after his birthday. He is very accomplished at opening drawers. We have renamed our pantry "Isaac's Office" because of how much time he spends in there busily reorganizing things for me. 

There aren't many things in the world that are better than a good baby hug. Isaac hugs with his whole body and I love it when he wraps his tiny arms around my neck like that. 

We celebrated his birthday with cupcakes in Madera Canyon. Our little guy was greatly pleased. 

Intrigued by the chocolate cupcake

Sampling the brown stuff

Classic "suck my thumb while clenching food in my hand" maneuver 

The extended birthday song video for all you true Isaac fans out there

He is always happy in the carrier. Actually is is pretty much always happy in general. 

Birthday Baby Box car was a hit

When he isn't reorganizing the pantry, he's reorganizing the power cords while helping daddy work

Isaac is just a joy. He is for sure entering a troublemaker phase- I've caught him splashing in a toilet 3 times now- but he really does bring so much joy to our house. When Annie is sad, she is just as likely to run and hug Isaac as she is to run to me. He gives her some pats and tries to eat her face, and somehow that makes her feel better. Everybody loves Isaac!

We've got VISITORS!

We lured my parents and Max and Morgan out to visit us with promises of another peach palooza. Unfortunately, we pruned the tree back hard this year and got a much smaller harvest that was mostly done by the time they got here. We had enough to make peach pizza and eat a few, but that was it. Pretty tragic. Here's hoping for a bigger harvest next year!

The first few days were spent looking at houses with my parents. I always get a kick out of touring homes, and it was extra exciting thinking about my parents moving here. We spent a lot of time talking about the "Haunted Hacienda." It is this huge hacienda style house that has been on and off the market for like 6 years even though it is really cool, which is why we decided it is haunted. My dad loves it and is trying to rebrand it as "Hacienda Magnifico." It has a few weird layout things that make it less than ideal. We will see what they end up doing!

There was a whole lot of snuggling up with Grumpa and watching prank videos on YouTube. Even Isaac started to get in on the action near the end- he would pull himself up and try to grab the iPad.

Annie was quite pleased the entire time she got to ride on Grumpa's shoulders

My mom brought the kids this STEM fun book that was a total hit. It had lots of quick, easy, and interesting science experiments and activities. Elliot was way into it. 
They tried to build an edible treat version of a roman road with layers of brown sugar, crackers, and chocolate. The road experiment ended in disaster when the microwave safe container we were making it in MELTED in the microwave, causing me to immediately order some glass storage containers. 

Just a low key zipline in our kitchen!

Then Max and Morgan came out! Naturally we had to go to El Guero Canelo and play tons of games. Max has a new one called Fishers of Men that I really like. He's pitching it to the producers of a TV show called The Chosen. He originally made the game with a different theme, but he modified it to fit  the show and is hoping to get it published as the show's official game, which could lead to future game making opportunities for him. I hope it works out because that would be such an awesome job for him! Max also had a crazy story of this totally unqualified guy giving him bad advice and trying to get "co-designer" credit for the game. Naturally we spent the week claiming co-designer credit for all sorts of things. 
Hitting up an outdoor production at the gaslight theatre. Mom and I were the only ones who actually liked it, but everyone else indulged us.

We spent a lovely morning at Patagonia Lake. We went on a weekday morning, so it wasn't very crowded at all. Max and I went rouge and swam out of the designated swimming area to check out this rocky area on the far side of the lake. I am proud to say that I was hardly winded when we got across, even though Max was huffing. Now we need to go rock climbing together so that he can humble me a bit. 

Aaron turned 32! Isn't he just the cutest? 
Mom made him some delicious peanut butter cupcakes. 

After Max and Morgan left, we put my parents to work! They very generously helped us out with some projects. Dad built us some shelves in our garage and fixed a broken chair, and mom taught us how to reupholster chairs. I absolutely adore how everything turned out. I predict that it will be many weeks before I can walk into my garage or kitchen without grinning at the project successes. 

Dad fixing the trapdoor chair while Annie repeatedly steals his pencil 

Reupholstering the chairs wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be, and it looks so good!

 It's great having parents with sweet skills to teach us stuff. They are absolute pros. 

Annie was absolutely ecstatic to find a ladybug in the garden

Mimi had the great idea to pick a flower to match each color of her rainbow skirt on our evening walk. She knows Annie so well. 

Chiricahua- best grotto ever

 Our kids just love outdoor adventures. We get lots of positive feedback. I'm coining the phrase "adventure momentum" to describe how once we start doing hikes or trips, it gets easier to go out and do more. Our latest was a camping trip to Chiricahua. We brought the Fosters along with us. We stayed at bonita campground and did the 1 mile hike to the Echo Canyon grottoes. I love this hike- it is just the right length for the little kids, and the grottoes are super fun to climb around.


Elliot kept saying "This is the best day ever! Take lots of pictures of this so that we can put it on the blog and I can remember it forever!" 

Elliot the very enthusiastic rock climber

We stopped to climb on rocks about every five minutes. It was a slow pace but lots of fun for the mountain goat kids.

Hands on the hips was apparently the pose of the day

The roof of the grottos was made of boulders wedged between other boulders. Super cool. 

Annie posing majestically by the grotto sign

We forgot a hat for Isaac, so he got to have an awesome sunscreen hairstyle. I thought he would take a nap in the baby carrier. He didn't but was a jolly guy anyway. 

The signature stacked rocks are called Hoodoos. They formed when the weak volcanic rock was eroded by wind and water over the millennia. They look awesome!

Annie and McClain are quite the dynamic duo

The kids slept unusually well for a camping night. We put Isaac in the pack and play in the van with the window cracked by the tent. Annie and Elliot fought over who got to sleep on the extra air mattress vs the yoga mat and ended up both sharing the air mattress for a while, but in the middle of the night they both ended up in the narrow gap between their mattress and ours. 

Now let's see how well we can keep up the adventure momentum as we get closer to summer!