Sunday, April 23, 2017

Tanque Verde Falls

The Hays invited Elliot and I to tag along on a Friday morning hike up Tanque Verde Falls. 
Elliot hiked a little bit, but insisted on being carried most of the way
Classic throwing rocks into water. What more could you want out of life. 

Water levels were low, but there were still some pools with a little trickle flowing through them

I failed to take a picture of the "Falls," so here's one that Lakin took of Robb and Claire. 
Lakin was kind enough to take turns carrying my wimpy kid. 

Later that day, we were playing in the backyard and I was digging his sweat/sunscreen/hosewater hair.

Spiderman Comforts Wounded Elliot

Elliot has been very accident prone lately. He hit the height where his head can now hit tables and counter tops, and he has not yet learned that he needs to avoid these areas. His most exciting bruise came from playgroup at the Church when he ran into a door. 

Serious goose egg action 
 Luckily, someone had brought a bin of dress ups. Elliot put on the mantle of Spiderman and was imbued with strength and courage.
It was majorly too big for him
Elliot looks so much like my baby brother Blake! Blake used to wear costumes all the time. I loved having a 6 year old Spiderman come to my orchestra concerts and sports games. 


It is so fun to have a kid who is old enough to actually participate in holiday traditions! We hit up quite a few Easter celebrations this year around. The first was a community Easter Egg Hunt at the park down the street. 
He tore things up in the toddler zone and was shocked and amazed when he realized candy was inside
Contrary to this facial expression, he ADORED his Mater tattoo. He talked to it frequently and enjoyed making his little Mater "jump" and "go fast" for a few days until it wore off. 
Wind blown streamers = perfect for making little boys giggle
He liked the Easter Bunny from a distance. But was uncertain about going up close. 
Very uncertain.
Later that week, we went to story time. Surprise, there was an Easter Bunny there too!

He was again quite dubious about whether the big bunny was safe to approach.
He was also dubious about the hat. It was taken off, ripped up, and put in the trash can right after this picture was taken. 
A couple days later we had an unofficial Ward Easter Egg Hunt/Potluck where more candy was obtained, but no pictures were taken. 

 We decided to do our Easter Day stuff after church because we have 9:00 am church, and also because we forgot to set anything up the night before. So we put out his Easter basket while he took his nap. It consisted of the Easter Egg dye kit and a few Easter eggs from the last hunt that we managed to squirrel away before he emptied them all. 
He was extremely entertained by "giving eggs bath!"

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Springtime Shennanigans

Hanging out at the park
Chilling at the library. This kid loves books!
Studying Curious George for real time pizza making tips
Popping up to say hello during a morning stroll
"Eggs come from chickens. Thank you chickens! Welcome!"

Elliot goes mad with power while watering the plants

Aloha from this happy surfer dude! (at the Stake Luau)