Monday, December 2, 2019

Danksgiving 2019- The Movie

Our Thanksgiving season started out with another stellar preschool play from Elliot. He delivered his fish to the pilgrims with seamless grace, then proceeded to sing a couple of songs about turkeys. He admired the turkey-on-a-stick craft that they used during the songs so much that he made a couple of them at home. The best part of the play was that he kept looking at me and whispering "I LOVE YOU MOM" between songs. The second best part was the pie and ice cream we had afterwards.

The next day, the party crew arrived! Breezy and Blake took a shuttle from Rexburg to Provo where they met up with Max and Morgan and drove down together. Max bought the kids those little candy dispensers that have a light up propeller thing on the top. Naturally, this lead to them turning off all the lights and having a glow in the dark rave in the loft.
Bad picture but good memory: Busting some moves in our loft dance party. 
Thanksgiving morning was delightfully low stress. Blake and I had planned the menu and made a spreadsheet (titled Danksgiving 2019- the movie, hence the title of this post) in advance. Blake was the turkey and gravy master and the one making things fancy and delicious. He was doing some weird thing where he massaged herbs into butter. Morgan made the baked potatoes, Blake and I did stuffing, and Breezy and Elliot made the cookie salad. The cookie salad ended up being quite the adventure- we foolishly doubled the recipe but there was too much liquid, so we ended up adding a copious amount of cornstarch that settled in interesting ways over the next few days. 

Everyone should wrap their turkey in bacon
Elliot just wanted to drink Martinellis. He had to be coerced into actually eating food. 
Chef Blake taking a well deserved nap. Let me here note that college students have weird sleep schedules.
Annie really attached herself to Max and Morgan. It was great- I didn't have to entertain her for days!
It isn't possible to third wheel it much more than this
Max talked us into watching the movie Paddington 2, which ended up being a pure delight. I didn't think Annie would sit through the whole thing, but she totally did. She was a bit of a wandering snuggler going from lap to lap, which we all enjoyed. Elliot cracked up laughing at the more slapstick parts and got teary eyed about the really good hug at the end. It was much funnier than I thought it would be. 

Breezy and Elliot spent a lot of time hiding upstairs working on a "surprise" craft for a Christmas present. They would tell me which room I wasn't allowed to go into and then disappear for a few hours. 

Max brought two new games that he made- Ramshackle Rover and Illuminati Prom. I always love a good Max game, and these were gems. 

Making the "wide defensive stance" that is Morgan's trademark