Sunday, June 13, 2021

1 Year Old Isaac

We have ourselves a 1 year old! Isaac is such an awesome little guy. He is so chill whenever he is restrained in a car seat or high chair, but the minute you put him on the ground, he starts scooting around at 100 miles a minute. He does this sweet move like he is miming riding a unicycle whenever he gets excited, and never fails to grin at me when I make eye contact with him. His older siblings have never said a single bad thing about him. We sure love our Isaac!


1 Year Stats:
20 lb 6 oz (35th percentile)
30 inches (65th percentile)

He made the switch from army crawling to normal crawling about a week after his birthday. He is very accomplished at opening drawers. We have renamed our pantry "Isaac's Office" because of how much time he spends in there busily reorganizing things for me. 

There aren't many things in the world that are better than a good baby hug. Isaac hugs with his whole body and I love it when he wraps his tiny arms around my neck like that. 

We celebrated his birthday with cupcakes in Madera Canyon. Our little guy was greatly pleased. 

Intrigued by the chocolate cupcake

Sampling the brown stuff

Classic "suck my thumb while clenching food in my hand" maneuver 

The extended birthday song video for all you true Isaac fans out there

He is always happy in the carrier. Actually is is pretty much always happy in general. 

Birthday Baby Box car was a hit

When he isn't reorganizing the pantry, he's reorganizing the power cords while helping daddy work

Isaac is just a joy. He is for sure entering a troublemaker phase- I've caught him splashing in a toilet 3 times now- but he really does bring so much joy to our house. When Annie is sad, she is just as likely to run and hug Isaac as she is to run to me. He gives her some pats and tries to eat her face, and somehow that makes her feel better. Everybody loves Isaac!

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