Friday, November 19, 2021

Creepy crafts and the merry-go-round

When we got to McLean, Breezy took it upon herself to make my kid’s craft related dreams come true. She took them to Micheals and said that they could each buy whatever they wanted. This event was talked about and anticipated greatly for weeks before we flew out. The result: 

The creepiest masks of all time. 

Possibly even creepier now. 

Some other crafts. Elliot was was in heaven. 

We met with Jonny’s family at Calvert Cliffs! I hadn’t been there in over a decade. Calvert Cliffs is this beach in the Chesapeake Bay where an eroding cliff releases fossilized shark teeth into the water. It was one of my favorite places growing up, and it was great to go back. 

The entrance to the park has a recycled tire playground. The plan was to eat our lunch there so that we wouldn’t have to carry food on the mile hike to the beach area. My kids were having too much fun being reunited with their cousins on an awesome playground to eat much. The centerpiece of their attention was a merry go round- those are hard to find on playgrounds these days! They had been playing happily on it for a while when Annie tried to jump off and ended up with a mouthful of dirt and blood. I got it rinsed out and left her cuddling with Aaron to go get Elliot to eat some food. He got off the merry go round, took one bite of a sandwich… and threw it up. Too much spinning. Not the most auspicious start to a trip. 

Grumpa cheered up the kids by feeding the fish and turtles in the pond. 

These two struck up a conversation about the biggest numbers within minutes of being reunited. The distracting power of cousins is great- both of my recently distraught kids were hiking along happily and didn’t whine at all on the mile hike in. 

Digging at the beach! Predictably, Catherine was my most dedicated scavenger. We found a handful of shark teeth. Some of the kids got stung by jellyfish which put a damper on the swimming, but we still had fun digging in the sand and talking to some of our favorite people. 

Annie sweet talked Grumpa into carrying her part of the way home. Calvert cliffs is where the famous Breezy quote of “Daddy my walking is broken” took place and I think my dad was sentimental about it. Unfortunately it started pouring rain on us for the last half mile or so. Luckily we brought a change of clothes so we were able to dry off before going to Bob Evans for dinner and driving home. 

We also went to visit my Grammy and Papa! Grammy saves all the comic sections of the newspaper and had a stack of them for Elliot to read. He was quite absorbed in them and was completely rolling his eyes when we made him do things like take a group picture.

Isaac loved these little robotic birds that Grammy has. 

Another highly anticipated activity: making wands in the shop with Grumpa.

Isaac’s classic pose of sucking his thumb while holding his ear with his other hand.

Next stop: Holden Beach!

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