Sunday, November 28, 2021

Elliot's School Pictures & The Beautiful Place

 My friend Aubrey Prestwich does annual school pictures for homeshoolers, and she invited Prenda kids to come get theirs done. Elliot was greatly opposed to this plan, but consented on the condition that he didn't have to change out of his favorite minecraft shirt. I suppose this captures him more authentically than if I had coerced him into wearing a cute outfit. 

Hands in pocket looking oh so natural

Ok now looking a little less natural

Way to pull it back, buddy

There's my Elliot!

It's hard to tell his hair from his skin. We'll call it the "fair as snow" look

"ok fine, I admit I'm amused by your desparate jokes trying to make me smile"

I'd say he's a handsome first grader!

While I was doing the pictures stuff with Elliot, Aaron took the little kids to see if they could find the javelina pack that we drove past on the way to the park. They found the grazing pack and had a great vantage point from a bridge. Elliot and I missed them by a few seconds. 

While hunting for the Javalina, we came across this adorable viney arch thing! It was a neatly landscaped little nook with a whimsical statue and a bench swing. Elliot informed me that this is one of his top 10 places on earth. 

Isaac tried so hard to scale the toadstool 

On our way out we ran into the Evans who were also there for pictures. Elliot really wanted to show his pal Eva Mae the arch, so we journeyed back over to it and stayed to watch the sunset. 

Coincidentally, we ran into the Evans again a couple days later on our Sunday walk. The walking was paused for an impromptu leaf party. 

This is why I love Sahuarita. I love the parks and hidden little places. I love that I have friends nearby and that I run into people I know all over the place, and that there are people who like sunday walks as much as we do. 

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