Sunday, July 12, 2020

Peach Palooza with Mimi

The kids had an absolute blast with their Mimi while we were at the hospital, and for a whole two weeks afterwards! She came prepared with a bunch of activities for the kids, which were all huge successes. 
Kitchen Science Experiments! This one with milk and food coloring was awesome. 

A small sample of Annie's new dress ups

Princess nail polish! This girl would be happy painting her nails multiple times every day. Which she did do while Mimi was here. 

We now have a song called "Annie likes to paint her little nails" that she frequently requests for her bedtime song. 

The daily ritual of helping Mimi put on her makeup

Not pictured are the thumbprint art books and Settlers of Catan Seafarers. Needless to say, everyone was amply entertained!

The main event of Mimi's stay was the Peach Palooza! Our peach tree was in full production mode. Mimi went out and harvested 2 or 3 huge bowls of peaches every day and created a non-stop flow of delicious peach creations. I now have a section of my recipe binder dedicated to things I can make with peaches thanks to my mom's diligent research and experimentation. 
Picking peaches a day or two before Isaac was born. They are SO JUICY AND DELICIOUS.

Mimi up a ladder doing her morning harvest

We made so many batches of peach leather! This stuff is so addicting. It dries outside for a day, and then we cut it into strips and roll it up in the press and seal plastic wrapper. 

The mastermind behind all our peach operations! The netting worked to keep critters off the fruit leather. We used cans of beans to keep the netting off of the leather. 
"Take a picture of me too mom!"

Pork chops with Peach glaze and peach bisque

Balsamic peach pizza with peach salad

We also made peach muffins, peach oatmeal, and froze several large bags for smoothies. After all of that and eating as many as we could every day, we still had a hard time getting through them all. We ended up giving a bunch away to ward members and neighbors. Peach time is quickly becoming one of my favorite times of the year, especially when my mom is here to put in hours a day processing the peaches!

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