Saturday, June 22, 2019

Sweet Potatoes, Forts, and Christmas Dogs

Annie loves bread.
Actually, she loves most food.
But her true love? The sweet potatoes that she hugs and hides in random places throughout the house. 

Elliot has had a ton of play dates recently. We have had Evee over to play every Wednesday for months now. 
His fort building skills are coming along quite nicely
It is not uncommon for Elliot and Carter to see each other every day of the week between activities at the church and play dates. Yet somehow they are still sad when it is time for them to part ways. We end up bringing Carter over to play after a morning of playing together at volleyball frequently. 
Elliot and Carter made up a game where they pretend to be dogs. They find "presents," hide them from themselves, and then pretend to wake up and find the presents that Santa left for them. They repeat this over and over again. One time when we had Carter over I asked them, "Are you guys playing that Christmas Dogs game again?" Elliot replied, "We are playing the game that you call Christmas Dogs, but we call it Lipe." Then Carter chimed in to say that it was actually called "Zipe" or "Ripe" or something like that. They argued for a while about what they had named their game, and then decided that "Christmas Dogs" made more sense anyway. 

I almost always have some lantana flowers on my work desk. They are lovingly picked by the buster bubbs.
Annie gets to hang out with the toys that make noise in my walk-in closet while I shower. I came in one day to find her in boot hand mode.
The Sweet Pea doing her own thing

Wyatt and Elliot riding bikes to their last day of preschool

Aaron took Elliot to a preschool zoo field trip while I got to go to a game day at the Barnetts

Preschool Graduation! Elliot LOVED every single day of Preschool and is excited to go back next year!

We went camping at Chiricahua with the Seveys. A family of wild turkies strolled right by our campsite!
The shade from the clouds was very much appreciated
Elliot loved scampering up into the mini caves
Annabelle loved following him
Let us end this post with more of Annie eating bread.

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