Saturday, June 22, 2019

Rocky Point- The Saga of the Gigantic Pizzas

I just love Rocky Point. I have always loved beaches, and the kids definitely love it too. Aaron was not so hot on beaches when we first got married, but he says I have since convinced him of their awesomeness. 

For this trip, we stayed in an Airbnb house in Las Conchas that was part of "The Village," which means we got access to the volleyball court and pool. The Coes ended up being able to come the same weekend as us. They stayed in their camper trailer at the RV park and hung out with us during the day. 

Our first stop was at the house to check in, evaluate what the kitchen was stocked with, and then head out to dinner. Unfortunately the lock was finicky and I had to call the owner to figure out how to get into the house. They had this keypad that I just could not get to work. Apparently you have to hit a key to wake up the pad before entering the code. We figured this out when Winston ran up and started pushing buttons when he got too tired of waiting, and it worked on my next try. 

Eventually we made it to Pollo Lucas to feast upon chicken and beans. I love that place because it is so simple yet delicious. There are low key wild dogs wandering through the establishment though. It is funny what you can get used too. 

After that, the guys went to put the kids to bed while the girls did a grocery run. Our main objective was to buy a large quantity of ice cream treats, plus stuff for breakfasts and lunches. Weirdly, the first grocery store we went to had NO ICE CREAM, so we had to make a second stop
Do people actually buy these three feet tall bags of cheese puffs?!?
We were all incredibly thirsty, so we broke out the mango juice boxes 

This is the only place I have ever gone where we have the beach to ourselves like this. 
Sandy toddlers
Ultimate Frisbee is exhausting on sand. 
See those dots on our legs? Those are LIVE sand dollars! They crawl around very slowly, and it tickles in such a strange way. We found this spot where you could stick your hand in the sand and pull one out every time. Then we tried again later and couldn't find a single one.
As we were getting ready to head back for lunch one day, a lady selling pina coladas walked by and we decided to get some. I'm glad we did because not only were they delicious and fancy looking, we also saw some DOLPHINS jumping out of the water while we were waiting! At first I thought I was seeing some fins, so I got everyone to look right before one jumped all the way out and we got to see this perfect silhouette of a dolphin. 
Fancy beach treats
Fancy beach friends

Back for some swimming at high tide. The water was colder than it is in the Fall, but still swimmable.
Solving all the world's problem while bobbing in the waves
Elliot was unconvinced about my talk of how convenient it is to pee in the ocean. He opted for peeing on the sand grass instead.
Seafood out of this barrel on a truck? Yelp said it was the best Mariscos in town, so we gave it a try.
It was SOO GOOD!

Now it is time for 
 The Saga of the Gigantic Pizzas

There was a pizza joint called Mama Mia Pizza near our rental place. Allison had looked up their website and noticed that they prominently advertised these gigantic pizzas that could feed 30 people or something like that. On our second day, we decided to send Aaron and Walter to go pick up a couple of these bad boys for a quick and easy dinner while we finished up swimming in the pool and getting the kids ready for bed. 

Half an hour later, they came back empty handed with shell shocked looks on their faces. They drove to Mama Mia Pizza and asked how big their biggest pizzas were. The guy showed them a regular sized pizza box. Walter and Aaron were confused and thought they might have the wrong pizza place, so they turned around to leave. We never figured out what the deal was with the website- maybe there are two Mama Mia Pizza places in Rocky Point?

The truly inspirational business owner stopped them by exclaiming that he could indeed make them a gigantic pizza. He rushed into the back and came out with his biggest pan. The only problem was that the pizzas would not fit into the boxes. The man offered to let Aaron make a small deposit to borrow the pans to carry the pizzas home on and then return them later, or deliver them on the hot pans to our house. Walter doesn't speak any Spanish, so it was up to Aaron to make the most complicated pizza order of his life with this valiant Mexican restaurateur. Aaron translated the very specific arrangement of sausage vs ham on the Hawaiian pizza like a champ.

Two hours after the guys had left to pick up the pizzas, the pizza man showed up in his tiny, beat up two door car with our three gigantic pizzas. He had cleverly unfolded pizza boxes and covered them with tinfoil to solve the pan situation. We all felt terrible for making this guy jump through so many hoops- clearly we should have just ordered more normal sized pizzas, but things got confused in the heat of the pizza-ordering moment. This guy was just so willing to meet the ridiculous whims of the American tourists. Hopefully he got to go home that night and make fun of us to his family. 
Capitalism at its finest right here.

I love hanging out at the beach, and I also love hanging out at rental houses with friends where we can play games and have great chats after the kids go to bed. The game highlight was Aaron and Eric saying "I will Steeeeeallllll" while playing Cover Your Assets.

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