Sunday, February 16, 2025

Flagstaff Snow Park

Elliot helped us plan a fun adventure on the way back from St George. We hung out until lunchtime in St George, then drove to Flagstaff and spent the night in a motel. 
These three can still fit in a queen bed together

We spent the following morning at Flagstaff Snow Park! It turned out to be nice warm weather, which was ok because they make snow for the sledding runs. 

Felix got plenty of compliments on his adorable snow suit that we borrowed from a friend

There were plenty of runs to give us desert rats a good sledding experience. The tubes were nice, and it was fun going down in groups. 

Me demoing one of the runs and forgetting that I can't actually stick my tongue out. 

Near the end, the lines started getting long so the kids opted to play in the snow/dirt while I sat by our large pile of coats and hats that we didn't actually need. 

His creations were equal parts snow and mud by the end

Mining some high quality snowman materials

The perfect snowball

We also stopped at Montezuma Castle National Monument. It is completely related to Montezuma and the Aztecs, and is not a castle- but it was cool! It is a cliff dwelling built by the Sinagua people. It's bonkers imagining being a mom with a baby learning how to walk while living on a literal cliff. They must learn how to climb before they learn how to walk!

All in all, we had a phenomenal winter break with time spent with both sides of the family, and a little adventure of our own. 

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