Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Elliot Creations

One of my favorite things about Elliot is that he is always making stuff. He will look at a box and have an impulse to create a functioning latch lock into the hatch he cuts into it, or spend hours making card games out of index cards. Here's some of my recent favorites. 

Play dough fortune cookie (given to me)

This big box was a robot, a reading nook, and a stairs toboggan 

Building some robots

Elliot has gotten really into programming video games. He's made a dice simulator, a clicker game, a platformer game, and a 3-D game with Aaron.

He made up a game with his cousin Aaron called squishy defense that involves moving a lot of squishy toys around and tracking their stats. He programmed himself a random move generator in Scratch so that he can have someone to play against when Aaron is tragically on the other side of the country. 

Elliot was out of screen time for the day, so he made himself some detailed notes for the following day. Pages like this give me mad scientist vibes.

He invents a lot of 1 player games to entertain himself. 

He figured out how to make these origami triangles that fit on your fingertips. Then he colored them to look like pizza slices. Then he made a game with them. Then he made this cryptic guide that only he can decipher. 

Here's a whiteboard he made in his pre-laminator era. There was a piece of white paper with tape over it on the other side. The thing that makes this a very Elliot creation is that list of uses on the back, which include dry erase board, clipboard, fan, frisbee, and marker holder. 

I'm pretty sure this was him keeping records about MTG decks

I love looking through Elliot's folder that he brings home from school because he has the best doodles. This was on the back of a spelling test.

This hat has a ball made of crumbled paper inside. There are four game modes, and a section on each edge of the origami hat/cup to record the high score for each mode. It's all made from a single piece of paper!

Goober mode activated

This school picture cracks me up. 

Elliot is always coming up with something cool for us to look at! What will he think of next?

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