Saturday, August 24, 2024

Valentines Cake Schematic

Breezy completely carried our valentines celebrations this year! Usually we cook up some beets to go with dinner and say "hey kids, here's some pink veggies to wash down all that candy you got at school." This year, there was CAKE inspired by some dedicated TikTok research! 

We may have borrowed a cake decorating kit from the Relief Society closet for these craftsmen to work their magic. It was pure chocolate caramel deliciousness! 

The final display. Ooh la la!

My second favorite part (after eating the cake) was seeing Elliot create this schematic of the cake. Note the aerial and cross section views, frosting flavor legend, and the fact that it says "depends" on top of the cake because Breezy hadn't fully planned that part yet.  

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