Saturday, September 24, 2022

Max and Morgan

Time for our biggest summer trip! We took the drive to Utah in two days. Aaron found a nifty motel in Page called the Rodeway Inn. It was picked because it was cheap and in the right area for how far we could drive before bedtime but turned out to be an absoulte gem. There was a rodeo area behind the motel and 5 horses were there! Isaac took FOREVER to fall asleep the night before, so in the morning I took Annie and Elliot to see the horses to keep it quiet for Isaac to sleep in. They were all super friendly and wanted to be pet. The kids got right to work naming the horses. My favorite was "Booty" named for the white marks on his feet. I thought it was because he had the most poop in his area and he was eating with his large bum pointed right at us. Gluefoot stole the show by galloping back and forth and whinnying. 

The next day we made our way to Max and Morgan's house in Spanish Fork! Max brought the kids much joy with his popsicles and bag of tennis balls that could be dropped off the back deck.

We also brought back a Max classic, Whacky Raccy! It is where you tie a stuffed animal (originally a raccoon beanie baby) to a rubber band rope. Someone stands up on a deck holding the top of the stretchy rope while the kids below pull it down to launch it or bat it around like a pinata. For some reason, this game is a core memory of my childhood. Max has always been the one to come up with the best games, a trait that he still has today!

Balls. All the balls. This child's needs were so thoroughly met. 

This little stream was a few minutes away from their house! It blows the mind of my poor Arizona desert rats. 

Max had his hammock hung up in the side yard. Great place for relaxing!

The next day we ventured to deer creek reservoir. It was a lovely walk along some train tracks to find a good beach spot.

The water was freezing but Max and Morgan are brave and tough!

Elliot produced this awesome list in primary at Max and Morgan's ward. Proud to be in spot #3. 

Annie was quite enamoured by this snail in their front yard.

It was a great visit, and I'm glad we got to see them in their Utah house! They treated us to great food, movies, and games. We rewatched The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars, a favorite from my childhood, and I got the balloon song stuck in my head for the next several months. Max also showed us a delightfully bizarre movie called Greener Grass. He's the go to guy for novelty. 

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