Sunday, September 25, 2022


The highlight of our time in Utah was our trip to Lagoon! We got there right as it opened and beelined it to the biggest roller coaster in the park, the Cannibal. The plan was for us to do a kid swap with Jonny and Megan. While they were on it, we realized that Elliot was tall enough to go on it. He didn't have any experience on roller coasters, but he loves water slides. We told him that this would be much more intense than anything he had experienced before, but he said he wanted to give it a go. 

Note how it bends you upside down before dropping straight down. You can't see the tracks at all and it feels like you are plummeting to your death. It then zips you around at high speed, frequently upside down. We had Elliot between Aaron and me and were holding his hands on the bar and trying to project "this is fun" vibes because he was clearly terrified. His face was white when we got to the end. His review: "I don't want to do that again." Fair enough, buddy. 

Elliot was brave to be willing to go on the unknown roller coaster, but he was even braver by being willing to go on other roller coasters and rides after being traumatized by his first ride. His one rule is that he didn't want to go on any rides that would put him upside down, which was entirely reasonable. He went on a few others that were deemed "a bit too much." His sweet spot was was a roller coaster called Bombora. He must have gone on that one at least 6 times. 

Elliot requested a picture by the giant revolving toilet by the bathrooms. He thought it was a solid decor decision. 

Taking Isaac to the kiddie land was outright adorable. Something about a little boy on a little boat is just precious. I remember this ride from my childhood! 


Isaac and Elijah with their pew pew guns

Annie loved being Isaac's buddy for the ones where you can pull the lever to move up and down. 

It was fun bumping into Bloods all over the park. Rides are even more fun with cousins. My favorite was teaming up with Megan to pressure Rebekah into going on the big rides with us and wandering the park with Elliot, Seth and Little Aaron. 

In the afternoon we took a break at the water park. 3 laps around the lazy river had a wonderful restorative effect after a morning of walking all over the place in the heat. The water slides were a delight as well. 

There were several peacocks wandering around the park, making a cute Annie even cuter. 

We stayed at the park until closing and rode rides until the very end. We were there long enough that everybody got to do plenty of rides on their level. I was proud of my kids for being brave, and I was glad that I had an opportunity to have some true fun. 

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