Sunday, January 31, 2021

6 Year Old Elliot!

Elliot had a great birthday! His real birthday fell on a Sunday this year, so we had him open some of his presents a day early. 
Just Dance for the Nintendo Switch! We have been watching YouTube videos and dancing along for months now. Having the actual game is way more fun. 

Elliot requested a strawberry cake this year. My little artist enjoyed decorating it almost as much as eating it.

Leftover frosting from gingerbread houses? Throw it on the top!

The cousins gifted him a giant thing of glow sticks to fuel the ultimate dance party

Other gifts included a construction paper craft book with enough paper to last him several years from Mimi. And silly scissors. Needless to say, we had a very happy boy!

 Elliot is continually surprising me with how bright he is. The other day at the park he had to go to timeout. I hauled him to a park bench, and he hit me. So, the time out got extended to 6 minutes. He got quiet for a bit and then said, "That is 360 seconds! That's WAY too long!" I asked him how the heck he knew that, and he said "60 times 3 is 180, and 180 plus 180 is 360." What kind of kindergartener can do that kind of math? As a bonus, the math calmed him right down. Elliot also LOVES comic books and spends an hour or so reading before bed every night. We took out the lightbulbs and put a lamp on a timer in his room to try and stop him from staying up so late reading. He also loves to create things. For my birthday, he randomly decided to make a card that spelled out "Happy Birthday Mom" with leaves from our backyard taped to a piece of paper. He's always making little creations like that for people - such a sweet boy!

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