Sunday, November 18, 2018

Post Beach (God Bless the American Flag)

Dad's car got to the beach house before we did, and he was watching the tracker on Mom's phone and knew that we had made a couple wrong turns. We were very pleased to drive behind him on the way home and witness him him stopping in the middle of an intersection and a few other questionable maneuvers. The teasing payback was plentiful!

Mimi and her little loves at Dennys on the drive home
Elliot insisted on eating dinner next to Grumpa. RIGHT next to Grumpa. Preferably touching him. Grumpa could talk him into eating way better than the rest of us.
The Kimberlys getting in some bonding time

Love the Hot Tie glasses :)
 Possibly my favorite part of the the whole trip was Blake and Max singing "God Bless the American Flag." It was a song that started off kind of like "God Bless America," but then they changed the words and it turned into this thing where they would whip out these synchronized improv lyrics. They were doing this off and on for the whole trip. I finally got some on video.

 We snuck in a quick visit with Jonny and Megan! It was great because Timmy was there most of the time too! The kids introduced us to orbeez, these cool swelling water gel ball things. Aaron had the opportunity to move a fridge down to their basement and try to fix a weird thing on Megan's laptop. We got a babysitter and went out for dinner and a lovely harbor walk at Harve de Grace. Jonny was telling Aaron about his invention idea for a potty training belt that using ultrasonic sensors to tell when a kid has a full bladder. Aaron came home and immediately bought some sensors to play with.

When we got home from dinner, Elliot was sad because he hurt his leg on the trampoline. He was super whiny and wouldn't walk on it. We didn't think much of it- he isn't exactly a tough kid, and it was past his bedtime. He woke up in the middle of the night whimpering, and the next morning he still refused to put any weight on it. Apparently these were the exact symptoms that Catherine had when she broke her leg, so I took Elliot on a fun trip to Urgent Care instead of our planned hike. They took an X-Ray and fortunately did not find a break. It is likely that he pulled a muscle or something. We flew home the next day and had to put him in Annie's stroller and carry Annie through the whole airport. It was 3 days before he would walk again. Poor guy!

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