Sunday, September 10, 2017

Johnson Boys

Blake spent a week at BYU-I at EFY, then met up with Max for a brother buddy roadtrip down to join us sisters. They left Provo on Saturday Morning and got to us Sunday afternoon after spending the night at some motel along the way. Clint flew in from VA on Monday. Max and I drove to the airport to pick him up. It took longer than it should have for me to realize that his flight was actually arriving at 11 pm instead of am. We only really had Tuesday with all the siblings together before the four of them got back in Max's car to drive up to Alpine. 
Everyone stands around while Aaron does productive stuff. Typical.
Also I was amused by the college kids who were amazed at all the produce we had around the house.

Lunch at El Guero Canelo. We also hit up Manuels with Clint the next day.
 On Tuesday we went to Biosphere 2. I failed to adequately prepare them for how far away it was and how hot it was likely to be. They still had fun... I think...
The Lost fan in me will forever love the Dharma Initiative feel of this place
Jungle Johnsons
Everything about bearded Clint belongs in this place of science
Elliot was 0% interested in what the tour guide had to say, and also quite tired. He alternated between trying to escape and crawling/lying down on the floor. 

The guy in the background had very... memorable... tattoos

The underground "technosphere" is really cool. They had to do a lot of engineering to get the windows to not burst when the Biosphere was completely sealed off and subjected to weather related pressure changes on the outside. 
The wind when emerging from the diaphragm was intense
I took Elliot to the bathroom and came back to find that Blake had taken over the lying on the floor duties
 We had a good time around the house jamming on our two guitars and viola (I'm very bad at improv but had a blast attempting), playing board games, and playing with Elliot. 
Blake put his scouting experience to good use by wrapping Elliot up "like a tent"

Uncles. Gotta love them. 

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