Sunday, January 8, 2017

Angels on Airplanes

Elliot had a complete meltdown on the plane last night. He was screaming at the top of his lungs and thrashing as hard as he could. Everything we handed him to distract/bribe him became a projectile, which resulted in cran-apple juice spilled all over Aaron and me. After a solid hour of this, we resigned ourselves to the fact that everything we tried to do to help just made him angrier. We were going to have to let him scream it out for the remaining hour of the flight. I said a prayer asking for patience and calming for Elliot, then sat there thinking about how everyone in the plane must hate us.

Then came an angel! This older lady appeared by our row and started talking about how she went through this with her kids. She offered to walk the aisle with him. We passed the screaming, thrashing child to her, and she walked to the back of the plane with him telling everyone who looked up something along the lines of "you were an angry 2 year old once too." We hit some turbulence, so I walked back to get Elliot with tears all over my face. At this point I was overwhelmed by the kindness of this stranger and was too choked up to say thank you. He finally calmed down enough to let us read a book to him and he passed out in the middle of Curious George.

I found her in baggage claim and was able to thank her through some more exhausted tears. I found out her name is Betsy. What a serious answer to prayer she was!
Before the ordeal began

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