Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Paradise Valley

I've decided that Kade & Elizabeth's house in Paradise Valley is one of my favorite places on earth. The giant trees are gorgeous, there are great views of the hills, and there is so much to do! Elizabeth, Kade, Avery, and baby Hazel are pretty great too. To top it off, James was there for the summer! This was the first time we were able to see him since he got home from his mission. We were very impressed by his hand stand push-ups that he can whip out on demand. 
Elliot watching the horses while eating breakfast
Petting the horses with Avery

Swinging cousins
Adventuring in the side by side
 All of these Elliot faces were too cute for me to pick just one:

Avery is totes adorable as well
Kade demolished us at horseshoes.
Kade & 1 week old baby Hazel
More horses
In the Pheasant pen. You can see some of the birds if you look closely. Most of them were huddled in the other corner. 
Kade filled up the hot tub with cool water and we went swimming with Kade and Avery. The water was too cool to be actually comfortable, so we got James to bring us several huge buckets full of hot water from the water heater. He was a great sport about it. Elliot commandeered Avery's Ariel mermaid doll and had a great time playing with it in the pool. For the rest of the stay he would get excited whenever he could ID more of Avery's Ariel paraphernalia.  

After the cool tub adventure, Kade and James gave each other hair cuts. Kade went to rinse the cut hair off his back in the freezing hose water, but missed a spot. Aaron helpfully offered to get the rest of the hair off, but it deteriorated into a hose fight when Kade didn't believe him. 

Kade took us out shooting and told us a story about the first time he took Avery out hunting bunny rabbits. After the first shot, Avery told her dad that he was like "the bad guys who killed Joseph Smith" from the church history movies she had seen recently. She has since come around and embraced the role of the hunter. 
Elliot & Roxy. He loves all dogs (as long as they don't bark), but he seemed to especially love Roxy.


  1. I loved your visit and I'm glad you did too! Miss you guys ☺

  2. I loved your visit and I'm glad you did too! Miss you guys ☺
