Sunday, August 28, 2016

Arizona Wildlife

Nothing says "Arizona" like a black widow on a cactus!
 On a different recent walk, we found what we thought was a cute little frog. I posted a picture on Facebook and someone commented that it is a poisonous Colorado River Toad and that we should wash our hands right away. Sorry about that buddy :)
He liked it, poisonous or not
You can see it jumping off his tray to the left
 Aaron was really worried that night because Elliot was making sounds to himself for hours longer than usual after he was put to bed. I wasn't worried because he had taken an extra long nap that day, but Aaron was worried that Elliot was tripping on toad poison. 

We also have lions around here, but those are no big deal. 
Love the Safari Trail
We have seen some big ol' javelina from a distance on our walks. They were too far away and obscured by trees to get good pictures, so I had to look the internet. 
This is unrelated to  wildlife, but still cute. I went upstairs to change after volleyball one day. Elliot usually follows me, but instead he decided to climb on the table. I came downstairs to find him flipping through pages in my scriptures. 
Such a righteous young man! Now if only he could actually read them... or talk....


  1. Wait, do you mean to tell me that those pig things run WILD in Arizona???

    1. Crazy, right? People can't leave jack-o-lanterns out for long because the Javelina eat them. They mostly stay away from people, but can get pretty mean if you bother them.
