Sunday, June 5, 2016

Mimi Comes to Town

My mom came to town for a whole week! It was great having her around. We all loved it, especially Elliot who really flourished having an extra person around to give him an abundance of attention. He was walking maybe 25% of the time when she first got here, and was up to 75% when she left due to being consistently walked around everywhere. 

Asking for some kisses through the bar
(He was happy to comply)
Serving up some wood chips
Great friends having a great time
We have this book that has foods of every color. Red is Tomato and Purple is grapes. We have both growing in our garden right now, and mom kept taking Elliot outside to show him how they matched the pictures in his book. He is super enthusiastic about it, and now sprints for the back door whenever we get to the red or purple pages of the book so that he can check up on them.
The first of many grape harvests
Hanging out with the grapes
Elliot does this thing where he insists on you reading your own book while he reads his own.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work when I'm reading my actual library book, has to be a picture book. 
He loves throwing things up the steps and rolling balls down the railing. And pretty much everything his Mimi does.

Another advantage of having Mimi around: We get lots of cute pictures of Elliot in the backseat of the car!
Here he's looking dapper for church. 

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