Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Real Garden Buddy

Aaron's 'Garden Buddy' app has been getting 5+ downloads a day lately! He's up to 448 downloads total.

That's cool and all, but we all know who the real garden buddy is:
Oh so helpful
 We took advantage of a really nice overcast morning to get all the pruning/weeding done before it gets too hot and things start growing like crazy. Or at least, as crazily as things grow in the desert. Elliot helped put weeds in (and sometimes out) of the bucket.

Elliot looooooves being outside. We go on lots of walks, and lately we've been spending lots of time in the backyard. His favorite activity is putting rocks into an empty pill bottle and Easter egg.
Always fun. Always.
 While we're speaking of the great outdoors, here's a picture of an agave plant that someone pineappled. They took the fruits off of the barrel cactus and put it on all the spikes. It is right along our normal walking path, and it cracks me up every time.

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