Monday, February 1, 2016

Elliot Picture Overload

I take a lot of pictures of Elliot. 

He finally figured out how to turn the water on in the tub next to the shower, which means that I have to barricade him into the closet while I shower or else everything gets soaked. 

Angsty teenager face
"Mom, why is there nothing to eat in this dumb pantry?"

So ready for breakfast

practicing fist bumps. He'll only do it right if he has cereal clenched in his fist.
Otherwise it turns into a 'slap your fist' type of thing.

Cheesing it up on a walk


Elliot loves hanging out inside the cabinets. 

Cars + tub = ultimate fun

Sometimes astronauts get too sad to swallow their oatmeal

Ready for a Sunday walk and looking oh so classy

Hitting up the park
Buying shoes to better navigate the woodchip park

Pretending that he can use real cups like Mom. HILARIOUS. 
Cheeseball in the backyard. We put in the fake grass thinking it would be great for kids, but Elliot prefers crawling on the gravel. To each their own. 
Elliot grew a molar this month, which led to some intense, flailing bouts of crankiness as well as increased clinginess. He dropped down to one 3-4 hour nap in the afternoon this month. He has grown up a lot and plays differently now. It is fun watching him learn how to drive his toy cars around and try to copy our 'vroom' and 'choo choo' sounds. He is getting closer to walking and talking. It is a blast being his mom!

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