Sunday, October 11, 2015

Grand Canyon

After living driving around with license plates that say "Grand Canyon State" on them for two years, we finally made a trip to see the big hole! Spoiler alert: it was really, really big. 
There's just so much going on!

We went camping for two nights with our friends the Hays and the Halls. We rode up in the Hays' van. The entertainment consisted of figuring out how to work the DVD player, watching Princess Bride/Monster University, and listening to Elliot screaming his head off before falling asleep.
"Is anyone here an electrical engineer?"

Not so happy camper
Elliot was the limiting factor in how much we could do because he still needs two naps a day. We didn't have all that much time to hike around. We also had two pregnant people and a couple of wimpy toddlers, so the only hike we did was 0.5 miles long down the Bright Angel Trailhead to the upper tunnel. It was enough to get a good taste of the canyon, but one day I would like to go a lot further. Preferably when our kids are all the age in which they are coordinated and intelligent enough to not fall to their deaths. 
The group
The Hays on our grueling (not) half mile hike. Alice's backpack has a leash attached to it that was very handy- that girl is an adventurer! 
The classic hiking butts shot

It is nice having photographer friends

The Halls watching the sunset. Isn't Melony a trooper for going camping while being 6 months pregnant with twins?
Riding the Shuttle. He had a pretty bad melt down on the way back- it was past his bedtime and not even cheerios could console him

We spent a lot of time hanging around the campsite while kiddos napped. We played card games and Citadels, cooked delicious food, and played a cool Swedish lawn game called Kubb. Also, the stars were SOO clear at night!
We had a great climbing tree. Apparently Melony scaled it while I was off nursing Elliot. 
Oh hey up there

Me and my little buddy at the Grandest of Canyons

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