Thursday, November 10, 2022

Annie Turns 5

 Annie has been obsessed with birthdays for a while and was SO excited for hers to come this year! She opted for a unicorn birthday party and was quite invested in the planning of it. 

The cake was pink strawberry inside and unicorn sparkles on the outside. The shrinky dink made at the library is my favorite detail. 

All set up and ready for unicorn crafts!

Mimi had an idea to tie sparkly ribbon around their wrists and ankles to make hooves for enhanced prancing

We played follow the unicorn, find the unicorn, freeze dance, charades, and did a treasure hunt in the backyard to find some candy. 

When the kids got their wands, I asked if anyone knew any magic spells. Bree immediately went into improv magic school and taught the kids how to hide a book behind their backs, say a spell, then throw it out so you look like you made it appear. The kids were eating it up!

Annie at five is delightful. She is quick to get a blanket or stuffed animal for her brothers when they get hurt. She deeply loves her people and is always making new friends at the park, even if she is a bit shy at first. Her best friend is Sydney Graham. She loves exploring, the TV show T.O.T.S, and all things girly- hairstyles, pink, unicorns, mermaids, fairies, and ballerinas. She has spent a ton of time lately covering sheets of paper with random letters or having me help her spell out messages. She loves singing, and I'll often catch her narrating her life in song. 

Happy Birthday, Annie!

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