Sunday, August 8, 2021


We finally made it camping again! There was supposed to be an unofficial ward campout in July. Unfortunately pretty much everyone who said they wanted to come ended up being out of town or scared off by the monsoon weather predictions, so it ended up being just us and the Nelsons. We managed to downgrade to a smaller campsite. It was predicted to be a rainy weekend, so the campgrounds were emptier than I've ever seen them.  
Just a little cutie on a stump

Isaac approves of camping. We stuck the baby in a pack and play in our 2 man tent by himself while the rest of us slept in our bigger tent. Worked like a charm. 

These kiddos loved exploring the campground and climbing on all the things. Meanwhile, the other kiddo worked hard to eat as much dirt as possible while his parents cooked dinner. 

Annie now sticks out her tongue every time someone points a camera at her

Elliot was constantly asking me to "take a picture and put it on the blog"

Sad that he couldn't eat more dirt, but happy to be carried around

It started dumping rain right as we finished our short hike. Elliot put on his rain jacket and had a great time making a dam with rocks in the mini rivers in the dirt road. The rest of us hid in the car like a bunch of wusses and the Nelsons headed home with their sleepy baby. It wasn't long before the rain passed, so we went out to play some more.

One of the prettiest places I've ever made sandwiches! That creek was pretty much dry a few hours earlier. 

I was kind of annoyed that Elliot wanted to just wander around the picnic area instead of going on one of the trials, but our wandering ended up being my favorite part of the trip. 

We found 5 forts! They were all unique and all big enough to fit two kids. The biggest fit our whole family. It was an absolute blast wandering around and saying "maybe we will find a fort over here" and then finding them! Big thanks to whoever took up fort building as a pandemic hobby. 

Elliot is quite proud of his rock climbing abilities. 

The ol' pine moustache

And the classy pine unibrow paired with some chewed food

There's that stuck out tongue. Again. 

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