Sunday, February 28, 2021

The End of 2020

We had a few days with Jacob and Joanna after Jonny and Megan's family left. We decided to celebrate New Year's Eve a day early so that they could celebrate with us. We ordered Chinese food, made pina coladas, and had a bunch of poppers. We ate while watching Soul with the kids and then set off the poppers at our fake midnight. I had no qualms moving midnight to 8 pm, especially since we are already a day early. 

Jacob recommended a Bollywood movie called Barfi that I really enjoyed, even if we did later realized that a couple of scenes were almost exact copies of scenes from The Notebook. 

2020 was truly a one of a kind year. The whole world was going through some level of crisis. The news was full of unemployment, death counts, and political unrest. We were definitely affected when all our normal activities were cancelled- church, volleyball, playgroup, and more. The social landscape was an absolute minefield with every person being comfortable with different levels of social interaction. I missed having the social life that I was used to. Elliot's schooling situation ended up being dramatically different than what it would have been, in both good and bad ways. On top of that, we had the big life events of Stephen and Claudia moving here and Isaac being born. 

A lot of these events were short term. The vaccine will roll out in force, and the activities will resume. We will be different in a few lasting ways. The most obvious is our relationship with Stephen and Claudia's family. I wish for their sakes that it had been a less stressful transition, but I am grateful that we had extra time living together. Our families are cemented together in permanent ways because of those 6 months. The past year was also a forced case study on how we can live without all the hustle and bustle. Our lives were simplified, and now we really understand what our baseline is. We hope to be more social next year but also to hang onto quality time together around the house. 

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