Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Cat Came Back

Annie has gone through a rather long obsession with the song, "The Cat Came Back" by the Laurie Berkner Band. It is a rather morbid but catchy song about a guy who has a cat who he wants to get rid of. He sends it up in a hot air balloon, on a train, etc. Every time, there is a crash where everyone dies, and they think the cat is a goner. Then, the cat comes back the very next day. She actually knows a lot of the words and will chime in as I sing it to her as a bedtime song, which she demands most days. It is either "Cat Came Back" or "Jesus," which is the primary song "I'm trying to be like Jesus."

Anyway, the obsession with cats was further fueled by a mysterious cat that started jumping over our backyard wall. This cat is AWESOME. It legitimately plays peekaboo with Annie. It will hide behind various plants in our backyard and then pop its little head out and looks right at her. It is friendly and lets me pet it, but it doesn't come up too close to Annie, which is good because it would scare her. It comes by for about 20 minutes to entertain Annie and then hops on out of our backyard- no maintenance required! This is the level of pet ownership I have always dreamed of! My kids get to become slightly less scared of animals with no added responsibilities. Win-win. 

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