Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bonus Round with the Hays

Of course, we couldn't make a trip to Seattle without spending a day with the Hays! We got to their house around 9am on Monday and were able to stay until after lunch on Tuesday. It was great being able to hang out in their lovely home. 
Annie somehow escaped untraumatized from her trampoline experience
Colby was full of advice on which video games would be best for teaching Elliot how to use the controllers
Our afternoon adventure was a trip to Mukilteo beach. It was right by what looked to be a pretty major ferry stop, but it still managed to have a more nature beachy vibe when compared to Alki beach, which had a more urban grimy feel to it. By the beach was a lighthouse with a plaque proclaiming that it was "Elliot Point." Elliot was baffled by this. "How did they know my name? And how did they know to make the flowers be my favorite color?"
The lighthouse at Elliot Point

Lakin had the genius idea of bringing cups for collecting shells and treasures
That is some niiiiiice seaweed
My dead jellyfish chunk
My crab parts and a barnacle. I was more into the beach treasure collection than the kids were 😎 
All the kids wanted to climb this big ol' log. My arm got tired from holding Annie up while she walked on it
That night we had some scrumptious Indian food (with spaghetti for those kids who do not appreciate the finer things in life, which was all the kids) followed by s'mores in the backyard
Elliot hurt his leg, but was still willing to crawl to get more reeses
How idyllic is this scene?
 My only complaint is that we didn't get to see the bear. Maybe next time!

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