Sunday, May 13, 2018

Father Son Campout

Aaron took Elliot on their first Father Son Camp Out! They did it on the ranch. Elliot was SO EXCITED. He had all the flashlights in the house gathered up a day in advance. He kept talking about how it was going to be "just us boys," but while I was helping him pack up, he tried to slip in a few baby toys for Annabelle. I reminded him that she was going to stay home with me, and he started crying! It was super cute. He quickly recovered and went back to boys club mode. 

He's in that line of boys shooting off rockets
 Aaron says that Elliot asked to go to sleep around his normal bedtime, and he was literally the last person to wake up. Pretty much everyone was up at 6, but Elliot made it to almost 8. He slept through the pancakes and eggs, but his loving Daddy snagged him a donut and some Doritos for when he woke up.
lil sleepy head
breakfast of champions
 A few days later, they continued their father son bonding by going to Lego club at the library. They set out several buckets of legos for an hour, and then let kids put their creations on display by the front door. Pretty cool!

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