Saturday, April 21, 2018


The other day, Elliot and I were eating Ramen for lunch. I told him that when I was a little girl, I used to eat Ramen too. Here's our conversation:

Elliot: "When you were little, I used to feed YOU noodles!"
Me: "No Elliot, you weren't born yet."
Elliot: "Where was I?"
Me: *trying to have a nice teaching moment* "In heaven with Heavenly Father. You were just a spirit and didn't have a body yet. I made a body for you in my belly, and when you were born your spirit went into your body!"
Elliot: *Processes this for a while* "Is my spirit in my pee?"

I was very proud of Elliot when out of the blue he informed me "Idea rhymes with quesadilla!" However, he undermined himself a few hours later by telling me "Alligator rhymes with crocodile"

Elliot has hit the very cute stage where he wants to pick flowers for me. And build towers for me. And draw pictures for me. Every time he does it, he tells me "I got you this because I love you!" and my heart melts every time. 

Aaron had the song "Yesterday" by the Beatles stuck when Annabelle was born. He sang it to her a lot, and it became her preferred lullaby. That song has magical calming powers on our little lady. We sing it so often that Elliot has picked up on the lyrics. It is pretty funny hearing a 3 year old going around singing "All my troubles seemed so far away" and "there's a shadow hanging over me."

We have been doing family home evening for the past few months. Elliot LOVES it. We got one of those illustrated Children's Bibles. We read a story or two, then sing "Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam" (hopefully we will branch out to other songs eventually), and then wrap it up with a game. Elliot is passionate about all three of these activities, so he will actually quiver with excitement sometimes when we say it is time. It is pretty easy to cater to the needs of one child. Anyway, a few weeks ago we hit the story of the Tower of Babel. He really latched onto the story, but clearly missed the point. The other day he was playing with his legos and he said "I am building this tower to heaven! Jesus is squished!"

We have been watching all of Star Wars in 20 minute increments while eating dinner every night. When Darth Maul was chopped in half and falling down that hole, Elliot said "They got that bad guy into the jail!"

We were eating dinner at a friend's house. Elliot was at the kids table. They all started singing the ABC song when Elliot came up with a great joke. He started blurting out "MOM" to replace random letters. "H I J K L M N O MOM!!!!" All the other kids kept trying to correct him while Elliot laughed his head off. 

At preschool:
"Does anyone know what a veternarian is?"
Elliot with 100% confidence: "It is a kind of snake!"

A prayer - Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you for the food we will eat at playgroup tomorrow. Please bless that we will have granola bars. Please bless that we will have fun playing in the wood chips and that mommy and daddy will not throw the wood chips. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
He has also had a prayer that detailed all the features of our new minivan. 

Thanks for keeping us laughing, buster bubbs. 

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