Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Elliot Turns 3!

The Buster Bubbs is now 3! His birthday was on the day before we flew out to Virginia for the holidays, and since our flight was out of Phoenix, we got to spend the evening with Mary. Elliot was thrilled about a "birthday party" with his cousins, and I was thrilled that all I had to do was bake some cupcakes. He loves playing with his cousins. We had to drag them down to sing, eat cupcakes, and open presents.

Here's a list of Elliot's favorite things to do:
-Fixing things with daddy. He will sprint to the garage to get some screwdrivers with very little prompting.
-Ninja moves on the couch
-Acknowledging the presence of his baby sister
-Drawing and coloring, though he seems to like telling me what to draw better than drawing himself
-Reading. He could spend hours having books read to him, and he sits and looks at books in his room during his "nap time"
-Friends, especially Wyatt and Carter
-Hanging out in the backyard playing with rocks. Or really doing anything outside.
-Watching "How It's Made" videos on YouTube. He gets one before bed/nap.
-"Super Why" and "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" are his favorite TV shows
-Helping me cook dinner, even though he usually refuses to eat it

Elliot is talking up a storm and loves learning new things. Whenever he sees me and Aaron hugging, he runs over and tackle hugs our legs. He is such a good big brother and loves teaching things to younger kids. He sure is a great little guy!

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