Thursday, August 27, 2015

Elliot at 8 months

Elliot's current favorite place in the world is the bathroom counter. It has a big mirror and shiny faucets- what more could a little guy want?

Sometimes I'll let him play the "pick up all the things" game on the counter while I get ready in the morning. It is all smiles and laughs until I turn on the hair dryer:

Oh the betrayal. Note the boogers that started streaming out his nose when he started crying- classy. 
 Elliot has started demanding more and more solids- he'll squirm all over when I try to nurse him but happily gobble up several ounces of blended whatever. He also likes finger foods, but has a very close to 0% success rate of getting cheerios into his own mouth. He just clenches them in his hand and sucks his thumb vigorously. He can get bigger crackers and banana chunks into his mouth... but will inevitably also get it into his hair and everywhere else in his splash zone. 
Peas are his current favorite
Elliot is now literate! Jokes. But he can hold books better and loves looking at them.
A bookworm in the making... I'm starting the "you love books" brainwashing early!
Elliot has made a lot of progress with his army crawl, thanks to Aaron's "baby boot camp." He discovered that Elliot will try to crawl towards some toys, but he gives up easily if they are too far away. The big breakthrough came when Aaron realized that Elliot will NEVER give up on crawling towards a cell phone with the screen on. 

He's getting more and more efficient, but is still a long way off from a full on crawl. I love his desperate full-body lunges. 

He also still likes rolling around. Much easier than crawling. 
Recently he started rolling into me for cuddles. I love it!

He got a cool elephant toy from my friend Jenny who went to Uganda over the summer

So much concentration. That elephant tail won't stroke itself!
 Life is great when absolutely everything is a toy. 

Like laundry baskets

and door stops

He is very enthusiastic about door stops lately. I have to screw them on super tight or he will twist them off and chew on them. I like to let him play with the pantry door while I cook.

He was being SUPER cute with our friend's dog Boomer the other night:

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