Thursday, August 31, 2023

Isaac's Truck Obsession

It all started when Breezy showed Issac some YouTube videos of construction vehicles over Christmas break.

It hasn't ended yet.

The lad is completely obsessed with all forms of trucks and tractors. It sure makes driving around more fun- he is THRILLED whenever we encounter road construction. 


Studying up on backhoes

There was a period of time where maybe 50% of his vocabulary was names of trucks. 

Two books and some monster trucks all lined up for a perfect afternoon. Those crossed ankles are just too cute. 

Imagine his pleasure when he got invited to a construction vehicle birthday party! The Nelsons had built this cool wrecking ball to go over the kids and knock down box towers. And there were dump trucks. It was perfect. 

There is a mine that has a little museum about 5 minutes away from our house. Somehow we haven't been to see it since Elliot was a baby. We had forgotten that there were retired mining vehicles outside of the museum! The tour costs money but it is free to see the museum and walk around the mining vehicles. There's even picnic tables there. Dump truck picnics have become an Isaac favorite activity. 


Isaac driving the old bulldozer. Dreams really do come true

Other Isaac updates: He was briefly on a soccer team. I laughed out loud when my friend asked if he wanted to participate- he could hardly talk, let alone be expected to participate in organized activities! It turns out that he was in good company. The Nelsons invited all the 2-3 year olds in the ward (of which there are MANY) to come to a weekly evening soccer practice. It was pure chaos, but quite amusing for all of us parents hanging out on the sidelines. "Baby soccer practice" was a great excuse to get outside if nothing else. 

He learned how to ride his strider bike! Kind of. He is excruciatingly slow and gives up after short distances. We are working on it. He's got the "motorcycle sound effect" portion down!

Brother buddies

Isaac DEFINITELY likes hanging out with the big kids. Luckily, most of Annie's friends are fine with him tagging along. 

A little super guy hugging a neighborhood cat. 
Isaac is the snuggliest of our children. He is so good at curling his whole body up against me. It's delightful. 

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