Sunday, August 7, 2022

Fancy February

In February we did a number of fancy things- like going to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show!


Butterfly wing geodes! Genius!

The kids both had money saved up and bought some souvenirs. Ones that were much smaller than these behemoths. 

A pretty place to play peekaboo

The coolest exibit was this trailer full of these backlit metal/gem art creations. They looked so incredibly cool. 

My parents should own a fossil sink like this one day

There was also a fancy box fort complete with shiny ceiling streamers

Annie got a cookbook from the library that had a recipe for yogurt parfaits. It exactly like our normal yogurt, just in a fancy cup and with the layers not mixed together. Annie adored it. She also got really into making herself "icy lemon water." 

Aaron's work had a valentines activity for the kids! They gave each kid a box of a dozen cookies to decorate with all the frosting and sprinkles that could ever be needed. The kids love these zoom activities. 

Annie gravitated to the black frosting. 

I babysat the Barnett kids over rodeo days. We departed from our usual fancy ways to go play in the dirt. It had rained recently so the dirt made these clumps that break apart when you throw them. Dirt bomb heaven.

We made oh so many slow motion videos of dirt bombs exploding. 

When we weren't playing in the dirt, we played with water and ice cubes and food coloring. 

We played out on the dirt trails a lot early this year! It feels wholesome to me. 

Annie nailed the "stoic pioneer" look. This is in the treefort in the wilderness area near our house. 

I got this Methodiq jacket from my main client and wore it almost every day of our short desert winter

Grand finale: McClain Foster left his mark in the cow pie at the park right before he moved away! This was right before they moved and Michelle was watching him while his parents packed up. Naturally the park bathroom was out of soap so we doused him in hand sanitizer before sending him home for a bath. The handprints dried out and were there clear as day for several months after the Fosters moved!

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