Sunday, May 16, 2021


One night Aaron came home from a run with Stephen and started telling me about how they ran past a bowl. I was unimpressed until he added some charades and I realized he was talking about a bull. 

Sure enough, there are 3 wild bulls that have moved into our neighborhood. The consensus on our development's Facebook group (granted, not the most official source) is that Arizona is a free range state. I admit that I haven't researched it too much, but the gist of it is that these bulls probably wandered through some broken fencing from the reservation north of us and wandered on down to take advantage of our irrigated grass. 

The bulls are now a very regular sight. They hang out in the grassy field at the end by the main road pretty much every morning and evening, then they go chill in the shaded washes during the day. There are three of them that I have seen. It is kind of awesome, kind of terrifying, and kind of annoying because there are now cow pies all over the place. 

Following along with the theme of random things- here's a video that Aaron made for his friend's birthday. It's a bunch of inside jokes so don't expect it to make much sense, but I thought that it was important to document Aaron being goofy and wearing a wig.

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