Sunday, August 18, 2019

Stabbing Wood with Grumpa

We got to spend some days in McLean before and after the beach. Elliot was super pumped to "build things with Grumpa and color with Mimi" and they did not disappoint! Elliot and Grumpa built a wood car and boat. After that, Elliot got super excited about filing. He filed a super deep cut into a block of wood. The project he was most attached to was sanding this L-shaped block of wood from Grumpa's junk pile. Elliot even brought it in the van so that he could sand it on the drive down to the beach. After he got it "as smooth as fabric" on at least one side, he colored the whole thing with crayons. He poured a whole lotta love into that block of wood. Now that we are home, he asks to "poke wood with screwdrivers" which is the closest we can come to the glory of Grumpa's shop. 
Can you find the carpenters in the woodshop?
Working on this neat erector set we found in the toy box 
Mimi got him this awesome color by number book!
Reading all the books
We hiked to Scott's Run waterfall with Clint
We accidentally parked at a different parking lot then what I'm used to, so we got to take a trail that took us by the ruins of this old cabin. Only the chimney was still standing. For some reason, Elliot found this really scary. 

The Potomac River
We told Elliot that a part of the trail would have circles for us to walk on to cross the water. When we got here, he angrily told me "Mom, those are not circles, they are cylinders!"
 We braved DC traffic to visit the Air and Space Museum. We were hoping it would be less crowded because it was a rainy day, but that place was still PACKED. It was still neat though. I haven't been since I was a kid, and I definitely appreciated it it more after getting an engineering degree. 
Touching some meteorites
That capsule was in SPACE
The bloodlings absolutely adore Mimi and Grumpa's house. There were even a few times at the beach when Elliot said he would rather be at their house. I'm so lucky to have such awesome parents who love spending time with my favorite little humans!

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