Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Bye Bye Poopies

Elliot recently developed a fascination with toilets. He freaks out whenever I close the door while using the bathroom, dissolving into tears and pounding on the door until I'm done. When I let him in, he immediately goes calm and starts waving and saying "bye bye poopies" over and over again. It got to the point where he would walk around the house saying "bye bye poopies" just thinking about it. 

We decided to capitalize on the excitement and get him his own little potty. It was a hit at first. I got some library books with potties, found some YouTube videos for kids, and settled down for some potty time. 

Fully pantsed, sitting on the potty
Hanging out on the potty. I love this picture. 
End result: I got him to sit on the potty for about half an hour each morning for a week. He peed twice! It was very exciting both times, but by the end of the week his enthusiasm had diminished and he wouldn't sit on it for longer than 5 minutes, even with me sitting next to him reading books. I wasn't actually expecting to fully potty train him this time around. I'll wait until he has more words and can better understand the mind games. I think this was a good exposure, and we'll keep bringing the potty out every now and then until we're ready to crack down for real.

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