Saturday, March 19, 2016

Cascabel Trail

We went on a little hike with our buddies the Hays today. Per usual, we let Lakin take all the great pictures and mooched afterwards. Lakin's other tasks included carrying around Alice and being 9 months pregnant. 

It was a nice day- not too hot yet. We tore it up at a break-neck 1 mph speed with several stops for water and recovering dropped fruit snacks (always tragic).
We borrowed the Hay's awesome baby backpack. He was pretty content up there and kept singing to himself.

Checking the directions

Keeping our little desert explorer hydrated

I look get to look hardcore because we didn't take any pictures of the half where Aaron was carrying Elliot

Post- hike sandwiches in the shade of the car

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Elliot's Mad Skills.

Elliot has been developing all sorts of new skills and abilities lately. 

(He looks terrified in the picture, but he was laughing gregariously after)
(This might be more of an Aaron skill than an Elliot skill)
("Hey girl, nice clapping")

Drinking water from a sippy cup all by himself
Knowing where his ears are
(also tongue and maybe toes. We're working on the rest.)

Eating Spaghetti
Crawling through tunnels at the park
(Love that staticy hair!)
Climbing all over the place
(into cabinets and drawers, up stairs, etc)

Playing with cars and other kids

~~~~~And now for the video section!~~~~~

Playing with a whoopie cushion

Sprint crawling to all his favorite places. Seriously, this kid is FAST. 
He always reacts immediately to all openings of the door, fridge, or dish washer.

Slides! He has come a long way in the week since this video was taken. He now goes down feet first by himself fairly reliably, and goes down bigger slides at the park.


Every Monday and every other Friday (I usually hang out with Aaron on his off Fridays), I go and play volleyball at the church. It is great fun.

There is usually a pack or two of too-young-for-school kids roaming around on the stage. Elliot is not yet trusted to not crawl off the stage, so he gets to hang out in Baby Castle. I make a semi circle of chairs next to the wall, steal some toys from the nursery, and stick him in it. He loves it. Bigger kids will sometimes break in to play with him.
Baby Castle. He's only escaped once.

Ignore my weird hair poof
focus on the adorable baby cheeks