Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Elliot at 10 Months

10 Month Stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 9 oz (24%)
Height: 28.5" (35%)
Head: 18.5" (90%)
The doctor's office is great fun until the syringes come out
He went through a tongue phase for a few days. He's currently in an "open my mouth as wide as I can while blinking weirdly" phase. Most of the time it is very amusing. Less so when he has food in his mouth. 

 New skills: backing himself into sitting position! He can crawl, but won't do more than a few steps before flopping back on his belly and reverting to the army crawl. 

He HATES standing. We'll prop him up against the couch and try to put fun toys or zippers up there for him to play with but he just cries. 
He LOVES riding on Aaron's shoulders. He doesn't get to ride on mine because he yanks my hair out. Well, he does that anyway, but I can't make it too easy for him. 

Getting into early morning trouble. Love that mischievous grin

He's done this one a few times now:

"What's down here?"

"Dang I look good"

 He is teething again and biting EVERYTHING, but I think his favorite is my face/neck. He'll crawl over to me and desperately lunge with an open mouth at my face. Aaron and I like to talk about how he's pretty much a zombie dragging his body around, groaning, and biting people. 
Munching on his stroller 
His laugh is awesome as ever. He is always especially happy when you get him after his naps.

I sure love my adorable buddy!

A Trip to Paradise: Everything Else

Elizabeth took us into town (Paradise Valley population = 109, I looked it up) for a geocaching adventure. It was a great idea- it got us out of the car poking around old buildings. We especially liked peeking in the windows of the old saloon. We ended up finding one of the two geocaches we were looking for.
old fronteirsy saloon

We also did some quality hanging out around the house, including the maiden voyage of the new fireplace. I wish I lived somewhere that justified fireplaces. But that would mean that I would need to get cold so maybe not. 

Playing with Claudia's mom and Avery's great toys
Our favorite place to ditch the baby
Playing Spud

I have cute nieces.


A Trip to Paradise: Blowing Stuff Up

The highlight of the trip was probably blowing stuff up with Kade. He bought some Tannerite targets that blow up when you shoot them. He sent Aaron, Stephen, and me out to find some fun things to explode. We went back to the creeptastic trailer and the junk pile and ended up with a rotting watermelon, a drawer, a plush horse head, and a ceramic gnome. Pretty good haul!

the junk pile
We plucked up the courage to poke our heads in the creeptastic RV and take a picture. No cats jumped out this time. 
Setting up the Go Pro

Mixing explosives while the gnome looks on

I put together a video with appropriately dramatic music using slo motion from Kade's clips. We didn't film the drawer exploding because it took Stephen like 20,000 shots to hit it and we were worried it would use up all the camera memory. Let the record show that I nailed the horse head on my first try. 

Kade promised that he will blow up the creeptastic RV with 5 galleons of tannerite with the next Bloods who go out to visit him. Any takers?

Thursday, October 15, 2015

A Trip to Paradise: Farm Tour

Once Stephen's family showed up, Kade gave us all a tour of the farm he manages. First stop: really huge tractors. Elizabeth and Kade gave us rides in a couple of them.
Elliot thought they were great
He was transfixed watching the tires turn during his ride in the cockpit.
Do you call it a cockpit?
Next stop: Cow feed lots. This involved fitting as many people on the 4-wheeler as possible. Everyone else walked. 
Easily seats 4
Looking at cows

Eowyn kept biffing it in the feed gutter

Our turn for a ride with Kade. 4 wheels, 5 people
We hopped back in the cars and drove over to see horses and more cow feed lots. Brianna was SO EXCITED about the horses.

This horse was showing off some serious teeth

Elliot was giggling and gave one of the horses a few pats on his nose

Then came the coolest part: real cowboys! Kade called up some of his employees and they came by and let Brianna ride on one of their saddled up horses. Then they got back to work and lassoed a sick cow in the feed lot we were watching. So cool!

They somehow managed to notice a single sick cow out of the huge group and lasso it so that they could doctor her up. That's talent!
Watching cowboys

Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Trip to Paradise: Waterfall Hike, Circuits, & Skeet

On our Monday, Elizabeth and Avery took us to a waterfall up a nearby canyon. It was a good example of why everyone out there has giant trucks- the dirt road up to the canyon was pretty rough at parts. 
Elliot loooooves riding on Aaron's shoulders. And mine too, but he yanks my hair so I don't let him. 

The hiking crew
 The water was cold, but that didn't stop Elliot and Avery from putting their toes in.
Elliot getting his toes wet

Elizabeth and Avery. Avery is wearing a "glasses guys" shirt

Telling her mom and uncle something

Apparently it was funny

Dancing baby

Elliot: "Seriously, mom? more pictures?"
 When we got back, Elizabeth showed us this snap circuit kit that Avery won in a library program raffle. She liked it because of all the colors. Aaron was in heaven. 
Aaron showing Avery the wonders of circuits

She lost interest long before Aaron did
 When Kade got off work, Aaron tried to convince Kade that his snap circuit creations were cool (I'll vouch, they were). Kade then shared some of his hobbies with us. Aaron and I got to shoot skeet for the first time. Aaron had been trying for a while before I got Elliot fed and could ditch him with Elizabeth. I hit the clay pigeon on my first try! I ended up hitting 3 of my 8 shots, and after I told Aaron my aiming secret, he hit a couple too. We also shot targets with the pistol a little bit, but I didn't like it as much. It's harder to hold still. 
Action shot
Pistol shooting

A Trip to Paradise: The Stone House

We went up to visit Aaron's sister Elizabeth in Paradise Valley, Nevada for a week. It was so fun! They live in the cutest house in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by giant cottonwood trees. It was built in the 1950's and converted into a bed and breakfast/ dude ranch in 1991. Crawford Farms bought the land that the bed and breakfast was on last year, and Elizabeth and Kade got to move in. They renovated the main floor, but the upstairs rooms all have names and 50's wallpaper. We stayed in the Rye Patch and Elliot got his own room up in the attic. There are 4 beds up there, but he stayed in the pack and play. We got there on Saturday and Stephen's family came on Tuesday.
Stone House, or "the big house" as Avery calls it

Bird's eye view. There are other apartments in the other buildings that they rent out to hunters.

Aerial view over the pheasant pen and some pastures
More pastures, some tall trees, and mountains in the not-so-distant distance
Lift at full height
 How did I take those aerial shots? BY GOING 60 FEET IN THE AIR IN KADE'S CRAZY LIFT TRACTOR! 
The lift at kid height for Brianna, Eowyn, and Avery.

 We got there on Conference weekend, so we watched the broadcast and toured the property on the first couple of days.
Conference snuggle buddies
Getting ready for the walking tour. Have I mentioned that their yard is gorgeous?

Avery and a freshly retrieved chicken egg. I secretly loved checking for eggs and kept taking Avery or Brianna out to check, pretending like they were the ones who wanted to do it

The Pheasant Pen. Kade runs a hunting business on the side. Pheasants are native to the area, but he keeps some to release for hunters. They are gorgeous birds!
Pretty pheasant stock photo

 Part of our tour included the creepy RV in front of the junk pile. The windows were all busted and it looked like the floor was falling through. It was obvious that critters have been living in it for a long time. I wanted to poke my head inside, but was being all cautious in case there was a bobcat or zombie or something inside. As soon as I put my foot on the doorstep, a cat bolted out the window right next to me. It gave us all a good jump!
The creeptastic trailer

Another angle of the Stone House. Aren't those trees magnificent?